donderdag 31 januari 2013

Thinking about your 'audience'

Here is a picture I saw on Facebook today:

What you see on the picture is window washers. They are washing windows in Pittsburgh, US. As you can see they are not just any window washers, they are dressed up as Spiderman, Batman and other super hero's. The fact that they are hanging from a wall makes it even more intriguing.

Now why are they dressed up like that? It is really simple actually: they are washing windows at a children's hospital. It's for the kids. Can you imagine the fun the kids have, the surprised looks on their faces?

Talk about influence. A small thing like this influences the entire hospital. Kids will feel a little bit better and they will talk about it. Just a small thing to do actually, to influence a big group of people.

woensdag 16 januari 2013

Think about what you put online

Here's something interesting. It might not seem 'influence' related at first, but it is, I'll tell you in a minute why. First watch this video:

Scary huh? Now there's a few things about this you should think about. First of all the data you put online is easily trackable, yes. That is scary just alone. But also think about the connection to influence: if they can find it, so can marketers. And if marketers can find it, they can 'create content' or find the right people and right advertising to influence you. It sometimes may seem to be 'serendipity'. It really isn't...

What you see is not what you get

You might think you get what you see, but when it comes to celebrities, models, photos and videos, it hardly ever is the case. Take a good look at this video and the next time you walk past a magazine stand I bet you will look with a different perspective to those gorgeous looking celebrities and models on the covers.

What's it about

We are being influenced multiple times every single day. And with that I don't mean once or twice, I mean many many times. Hundreds of times.

We are influenced by the people around us, by advertising and by marketers 'playing tricks' on us.

On this website I want to collect examples of how we are influenced all the time and how, which is very important, we want to be influenced all the time.
